Middle School Language Arts News
*The whole middle school will be taking a quest on the Weekly Reminders. This test will cover the first 9 reminders. Each quarter is cumulative, therefore the list grows bigger with each test.
*I have subscribed to a Scholastic News magazine called Storyworks. We will be using these throughout the year to practice reading aloud, grammar, and writing skills. Mr. Feece may also use them in his class for vocabulary and literature.
6th Grade
*We have finished our Coat of Arms. (6.5.7, 6.5.3, 6.5.6, 6.4.9, 6.4.8, 6.4.7)
*We will be writing prayers next.
*We have finished prepositional phrases. Although it was a difficult unit, we have learned to identify the preposition and phrase. Labeling them, however, is still a bit of a challenge. Since this is the first year for this skill, it will not be the last time we work with prepositions. (6.6.6)
*We are moving on to clauses and sentence types. This will finish Chapter 20. (6.6.1)
*We just finished diagramming prepositional phrases.
*We will learn how to diagram compound subjects and verbs next.
7th Grade
*We have finished the picture books. They turned out beautifully. We will be sharing them with the lower grades. (7.7.8, 7.7.5, 7.5.6, 7.5.7)
*We will be working on genres next. We will be writing a back cover for our own original books. (7.5.4, 7.3.1, 7.3)
*We finished adjectives and adverbs. (7.6.4)
*We will be working on hyphens, dashes, semicolons, and other punctuation next. (7.6.6)
*We just finished diagramming adjectives and adverbs.
*We will learn prepositional phrases next.
8th Grade
*We finished our letter to ourselves.
*We worked together to describe a collage in words and pictures.
*We will be writing an essay in response to the script, The Other Side of Life. (8.5.2)
*We finished with direct and indirect objects.
*We will be learning phrases next. (8.6.8)
*We recently had a quest on diagramming direct and indirect objects.
*We will add prepositions next.
Speaking and Writing
*We finished the script The Other Side of Life. We will be taking a test on it. (8.7.5 and 8.7.10)
*We will also be either adding a scene or making a coming attraction for the movie. The groups will have to write and present a script. (8.5.7, 8.5.4, 8.7.10)