6th Grade
Grammar Crate
*All Grammar Crate activities will be due on Friday, May 25, 2012.
*These include one punctuation activity, one capitalization activity, one usage activity, one parts of speech activity, and one writing activity.
*Please note: If a student does poorly on an activity, he/she is always welcome to do another activity in that section. The better of the two grades will be taken.
*We are working through pronouns which is covering both Chapters 14 and 23.
*Hopefully, we will finish before spring break and have a test over these.
*We are working on a research essay covering the country we are studying for Social Studies. This essay is due on Friday, March 30th. The rough draft will be due on Wednesday, March 28th. The essay will need to be typed, double spaced, with a cover page. Each student has a grade sheet with the criteria for the essay.
*We will be learning how to diagram appositives.
*There will be a quest over this on Friday, March 30th.
7th GradeGrammar
*We are working on Chapter 21 covering clauses.
*We will also do some work with writing more effective sentences.
*There will be a test over this before the end of the month.
*We are writing a book review essay. This piece is a 5 paragraph essay. It needs to summarize the book, the author, and 3 reasons to read of not to read a particular book.
*The rough draft is due on Wednesday, March 28th.
*The final draft is due on Friday, March 30th.
*Each student was given a grade sheet with the criteria for the essay.
*We are learning how to diagram interjections and commands.
*There is a quest on Friday, March 16th.
8th GradeGrammar
*We are continuing to work on Chapter 20 covering prepositional phrases, participles, gerunds, and infinitives.
*We hope to finish this chapter before spring break.
*We are currently presenting an added scene to a script we read last month entitled The Other Side of Life.
*We will then be writing a research essay about a career.
*Hopefully the students will have a chance to research a career that has interested them and isn't necessarily one of the usual careers they already know.
*We just finished diagramming participles and participial phrases on March 9th.
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